5 Creative HOA Amenities Your Community Will Love

5 Creative HOA Amenities Your Community Will Love

December 28, 2023

Elevating the allure of your homeowners' association (HOA) involves more than just basic conveniences; it's about offering appealing community amenities that attract residents and enhance the overall value of the properties. By incorporating trendy and competitive HOA amenities, you show appreciation to current residents and draw in potential homeowners. Consider including the top five HOA amenities in your neighborhood to set a higher standard. Read on to learn more.

Who pays for HOA amenities?

Typically, homeowners shoulder the expense of HOA amenities through their HOA fees. These fees, paid monthly, quarterly, or annually, are allocated to upkeep landscaping, shared amenities, and communal areas. The frequency and amounts vary by association.

In some cases, the HOA fees may also contribute to ongoing maintenance, repairs, and improvements, ensuring the longevity and quality of the amenities. Additionally, HOAs may explore cost-sharing models or special assessments for major projects, allowing the community to collectively invest in upgrades that boost property values and resident satisfaction.

Top 5 HOA amenities

These amenities are surging in demand and popularity. Consider adding these HOA amenities today:

Community gardens and urban farms

Creating a space where residents can cultivate their fruits and vegetables is an excellent strategy for adding value and fostering a sense of community. A shared community garden is ideal for homeowners who prioritize nutrition or enjoy engaging in outdoor activities. Here are some tips to get started:  

  • Get approval from the board: Ideas and detailed plans should be presented to the HOA board. The board will offer advice and determine what is and isn’t allowed in compliance with the governing documents.
  • Recruit volunteers: Once approval is granted, you’ll need help planning, setting up, and caring for the garden. Form a committee or gather volunteers who are willing to lend a hand.
  • Select a garden area: Get the required permissions and designate a sunny and accessible area for a community garden.
  • Establish rules: Clearly outline plot allocation, maintenance, and resource use guidelines.
  • Provide resources: Confirm the garden has water sources, tools, and storage.
  • Educate residents: Arrange gardening workshops and distribute best practices to help residents develop their skills.  
  • Embrace sustainability: Encourage eco-friendly practices like composting, organic fertilizers, and water-saving techniques.

Outdoor recreation zones

Whether it’s for exercise or unwinding, many people find solace in outdoor activities. HOAs can enhance this experience by creating open spaces dedicated to promoting healthy and active lifestyles. Popular outdoor recreation amenities include:

  • Basketball courts
  • Tennis and pickleball courts
  • Yoga decks
  • Swimming pools
  • Outdoor fitness stations
  • Playgrounds
  • Golf courses

Dog parks and pet-friendly spaces

Many people seek HOAs with pet-friendly spaces. Given that 66% of U.S. households have pets, the demand for pet-friendly amenities isn’t a surprise.

Consider making a dog park within your HOA to provide residents with a safe area for their pets to run and exercise. Ensure that the location is spacious and appropriately distanced from residential areas.

Additionally, explore pet-friendly features like hiking trails and strategically placed pet waste stations, and services such as a veterinary clinic, doggy daycare, or grooming salon. As always, check your HOA community guidelines before installing a pet-friendly amenity.

When your community needs a little TLC, here are some HOA projects you should prioritize.

Tech-savvy community spaces (work from home lounges)

With the increasing prevalence of remote work, incorporating a workspace into any HOA can be valuable. This space serves as a place for residents to work, collaborate, and network. Consider the following factors when adding a business center to your HOA:

  • Location: The location is crucial and should be easily accessible for residents with ample parking.
  • Size: Tailor the size to accommodate the HOA's resident population, with sufficient space for meetings and events.
  • Amenities: Equip the workspace with essentials for residents to conduct business, including conference rooms, meeting spaces, office equipment, and reliable Wi-Fi.

Whether integrated into the clubhouse or a separate facility, residents will appreciate the tech center as a great place to work from home, away from home.

Free library books

Setting up free library nooks and similar community-sharing initiatives in your HOA can promote unity and connectivity among residents. Encourage the exchange of books and resources, knowledge sharing, literacy education, and neighborly interactions with these small, accessible libraries.

Here’s how to set up a little free library:

  • Decide where you can legally and safely install it.
  • Choose someone to be a caretaker of the library.
  • Build or purchase your little library.
  • Register it with the program.
  • Set up a steward account.
  • Announce your launch via your community app or forum.

Make amenity reservations a breeze with TownSq!

As you strengthen your community with resident amenities, consider simplifying operations with a practical app like TownSq. TownSq is an app designed for managed communities and management companies to streamline daily operations, like dues collections, architectural requests, and more. Also, this convenient tool ensures seamless management of amenity reservations, availability, maintenance schedules, and more. Take advantage of our 30-day trial now for free!