Capture and Manage Pet Details with TownSq's New Pet Registry
Capture and Manage Pet Details with TownSq's New Pet Registry
July 4, 2024
Pet Registry is a new feature within TownSq Community designed to capture detailed information about pets residing in the community units.
Pet Registry is a new feature within TownSq Community designed to capture detailed information about pets residing in the community units. This tool empowers community members to maintain accurate and up-to-date records of their pets, thereby assisting community management.
Who is this feature for
Manager Access: Admin users have full editing permissions, enabling them to register, edit, remove and view all pets within their community.
Resident Access: Residents can easily register their pets and update or remove their pet’s information as needed. Residents can only view the information of their own pets or pets shared with them.
How can the Pet Registry feature help
The benefits of having the pet's information saved and centralized in one platform vary from community to community. We listed two common examples that can help:
Lost Pet: If a lost dog is identified in the community, the community manager can search the registered pets list to find its owner.
Allowed Pets: Capture information about resident's pets to analyze whether their characteristics, such as weight and vaccination status, comply with HOA rules.
How Pet Registry Works
Clicking on the new Pet Registry feature in the left-side menu, you can register a new pet, view the list of registered pets within the community and manage the existing pets.
When registering a new pet, these are the captured information:
Pet's name
Pet's type
Pet's owner: It's possible to add one primary owner. However, it's also possible to add the other residents of the same unit as secondary responsible for the pet. As shared owners, they have view permissions of the pet's information.
Picture (optional)
Pet's complementary information such as breed, color, sex, birthday and weight (optional)
📌 Complementary Materials
Click on the links below to watch a tutorial video: