Top 5 Reasons for Employee Turnover in HOA Management Companies and How To Mitigate Them
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As more and more people around the world get used to working from the comfort of their homes, traditional retail sales continue to decline in light of the current global pandemic. Interestingly enough, e-commerce market sales have increased dramatically by 146% across all online retailers. As of this year, analysts are projecting that 14.5% of total market sales in the US will come from online shopping.
You may be asking: why is this important for TownSq users? Because as an increasing amount of online orders are submitted, more packages will be arriving at the community concierge. Package records inside the TownSq app have more than doubled in the last few months. Listening to users' feedback, TownSq made improvements in an effort to make the life of the community easier for online shoppers. We have revamped the Package Control feature in the TownSq app, updating it with a fresh design and a much more user-friendly interface, making things faster and easier for residents, boards, and the concierge.
On average, a resident takes 4 days to pick up their packages from the concierge. This could occur for a multitude of reasons, but more often than not it’s because the resident most likely forgot about it. With TownSq, residents will never forget about another package, thanks to the updated Package Control Feature within the app. If a resident hasn’t picked up a package, the concierge can easily send a reminder to her. Once you pick your package up, update that you’ve received your items in the TownSq app and your alerts will no longer be displayed.
TownSq has rolled out two new updates to the Package Control Feature of the TownSq app. Package Control now shows when a resident or a concierge has “last seen” a message regarding their packages within the app. Also, we have implemented the new “pending” tab, which communicates to residents which packages they have not picked up yet. These two new updates will be exclusive to managers and concierge, simplifying package control, and ensuring residents are aware of any updates. (
But wait, there's more! We are excited to announce several enhancements to our Forum feature that allows users to easily follow topics within their communities, keeping them up to date with neighborhood discussions.
The first update to the Forum is the setup of push notifications for comments on Forum topics for all app users. This update allows the user to be notified anytime someone makes a comment on a topic that they follow or create. Anytime a user creates or comments on a Forum topic they will automatically be following that post and receiving notifications.
The second update is a button that will allow a user to follow or unfollow any Forum topics at any time.
This updated feature enhancement makes it easier for anyone who is assigned to a request or assignment to filter them on the desktop version of TownSq.
For assignments, an admin can assign a specific person to the task when creating the assignment. The assignee can be edited when creating/editing the assignment.
For a request, the admin can add an assignee once it has been received. The assignee can be edited in the details of the request.
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