Partner Post: 5 Tips for Eco-Friendly Fall Lawn Care

Partner Post: 5 Tips for Eco-Friendly Fall Lawn Care

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October 19, 2018

There are plenty of ways to care for your lawn while also supporting the local environment. Eco-friendly fall lawn care is easy with just a few tweaks to your normal routine. Consider these tips when choosing to be environmentally friendly with your lawn care this fall season.Ditch the BagWhile mowing your lawn this fall season, consider taking the bag off of the mower in order to allow grass clippings to fall back into the soil. Doing so is an easy way to add free mulch to your lawn, as well as provide it with essential nutrients. As one of the easiest eco-friendly lawn care tips, grass clippings break down quickly in a lawn and will return nitrogen to the soil. If it is still hot in your area, consider mowing the lawn a few days before using the lawn near a pool or sprinkler in order to keep wet grass clippings off of feet.

Prevent CompactionAerating your lawn in the fall is a great way to make sure that your soil doesn’t become too compact, making it hard for grass roots to grow deeply. Rent an aerator from a local garden center in order to add areas of your lawn where sunlight, water, and energy can get down deep into the soil. Aerate your lawn every year for the most impact while not damaging the lawn as well.Add Some SeedOverseeding areas of your lawn that have become thin or bare after a busy summer season can help the environment in many ways. Adding seed to these areas will help to decrease the chance of weeds growing in your yard and becoming a drain on local vegetation.

Making sure that your lawn is healthy and strong will also help to prevent run off during a fall rainstorm and allow the water to soak into the land around your home.Mulch Fallen LeavesOkay, we don’t recommend leaving the whole leaf on the lawn but mulching fallen leaves is a great way to add a layer of extra nutrients to the lawn. Consider using a leaf mulcher that will cut the dead leaves up into smaller bits for easy absorption into the soil. Other techniques include spreading out the leaves on the lawn and then mowing over them on the highest height in order to cut up the leaves. Either way, allowing fallen leaves to return to the soil is a great way to boost the energy of the lawn and helps the environment by cutting down on yard waste in landfills.Fertilize OrganicallyUsing organic fertilizers will help to make sure that your lawn is strong and healthy to survive the upcoming winter season.

Choose fertilizers that don’t have any added chemicals that could harm the environment and family members. Adding a boost of energy in the fall is a great way to care for the underlying root system of your lawn as well as feed it before taking a long winter nap.Caring for your lawn in the fall with these eco-friendly tips can help grow a strong and healthy lawn. Consider mowing with the bag and mulching fallen leaves to return important nutrients to the soil. Aerating the lawn and overseeding bare or thin areas will help to also create a healthy lawn while also supporting the environment. Finish up by using an organic fertilizer to create healthy lawn composition to bounce back once warmer temperatures arrive next year. Consider all these tips when deciding to do eco-friendly lawn care this fall.This article was originally posted on Associa’s Living Better blog and is republished with permission.

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James Witts is an eco-conscious home improvement writer. He is constantly trying to find new ways to live off the grid while living in a tiny home with his wife, Andie.