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Happy 2019, friends! Did you make some New Year resolutions? Did any of them touch on clutter-busting and redecorating? I’m here to help!
Tip #1 – If you don’t love it and/or use it, let it go.
As I’m putting away Christmas decorations and re-setting my rooms, I see my belongings in a fresh light. When I start to put that item back on that shelf or that wall, I ask “Why do I have this?” And sometimes I have to answer “Because…I have it.” NOT GOOD ENOUGH! If it really is useful or a treasure, ok, use it or display it. If not, give it away! Editing your possessions has a calming effect and only makes you appreciate more what you have.
(Now, really–how many paring knives can you use at ONE TIME?)
Tip #2 – Define the function of your spaces.
Get that treadmill out of your dining room and reclaim your table for family meals! If getting fit is a goal for 2019, make your spaces support that by designating and designing a room where you want to work out. I can help you with that!
(Um, the designing part. Not the workout part.)
Likewise, plan for office/workspace/craft areas–watch for a post on that VERY SOON!
Tip #3 – Make storage easy.
Do you know where to find batteries at your house? What about light bulbs? Credit card receipts? Printer cartridges?
When you put LIKE THINGS TOGETHER and determine a place in your home where those things will be stored, finding them is always easy and cleaning up is sooooo much simpler. It will be very ugly when you pull everything out to begin this process, so start with one closet/cabinet and remember Tip #1 above–ELIMINATE DUPLICATES AND KEEP ONLY WHAT YOU NEED AND USE. The results will be worth it. (Sometimes this requires a ruthless organizer friend. So bake some brownies and turn it into a party!)
Tip #4 – Make it lovely.
You heard it here: pretty is a vaccine against clutter. How so, you ask?
Organizing your belongings and designing beautiful rooms are two activities that support each other. Organizing clears the decks and makes room for lovely things to happen in your home. Then, after you have created beautiful spaces, you are not as likely to throw things down in places where they don’t belong because a) you have a particular place for those things now (see Tip #3 above) and b) YOU WANT TO KEEP THE PRETTY SPACES PRETTY.
And when life gets crazy and your rooms get messy, you know what restored looks like. Cue angel choir.
Determined to clear clutter and make a design plan? I have ideas! Let’s talk!
Are you wanting to make a step towards getting unstuck and loving your home, but have some questions? No problem! I offer a complimentary, no strings attached phone call consultation.
Email me to book a time and let’s start making design fun!
Courtney is an an award-winning interior designer in Dallas who specializes in decorating, renovation & home staging to help stuck people adore their home. She loves her historic cottage and has been published in Better Homes and Gardens, Kid’s Room, Best of Flea Market Style, Cottage and Bungalows, American Farmhouse and Dallas Morning News.Follow her daily projects on Instagram at @courtneywarrenhome & on Facebook at Courtney Warren Home. See her complete portfolio of house tours at blog post originally appeared on 4 Tips for Conquering Clutter and Gaining Space in Your Home and was republished with permission of Courtney Warren Home.