Top 5 Reasons for Employee Turnover in HOA Management Companies and How To Mitigate Them
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Strong partnerships make a strong community, and the success of a homeowner’s association (HOA) is based on the relationships of all key parties—especially management company executives and property managers. However, sometimes bridging the gap between these two groups can be challenging.
To understand what teams struggle with, we sent out a survey to TownSq partners, and the results were surprising. There was a slight disconnect between leadership teams and managers regarding expectations for the future.
From having work overload to ineffective systems, running an HOA is only possible if your teams collaborate well. That’s why taking the correct steps to enhance communication, collaboration, and transparency will result in better team synergy. In this article, we’ll show you four ways you can start working towards that connection your team needs and more.
The success of a homeowners’ association is not only based on the relationship between the board and property manager, but also the relationship between management executives. Both roles hold authority in multiple ways, but are uniquely different due to their level of hierarchy. Often, these roles can become misguided and cause large gaps in communication, leadership, and growth because of:
● Lack of staff - Inadequate staffing occurs when internal management fails to plan ahead, doesn’t provide enough support to their managers, or takes on more clients than they should. Without the help of additional staff, the extra workload falls to the managers, leading us to the next point.
● Management overload - This stems from a lack of support. For example, a management company may assign too many communities to just one manager. Because of this, the manager has to work overtime and risks getting burnt out.
● Ineffective systems – Ineffective systems are a result of poor communication, conflicts, and the inability to streamline processes and can lead to frustration and discouragement.
Choosing to create consistency and collaboration throughout your teams will benefit the way you work together and boost your HOA's performance. Here’s what to do:
A needs assessment is used for determining the needs or gaps between current and desired outcomes. When you perform a needs assessment, you’ll get insight into your team's processes. It also highlights areas of improvement regarding efficiency. Here are the steps you should take:
1. Identify team needs - Ask your team to share three things their role lacks.
2. Collect internal information - Request information from various managers or departments based on the teams’ needs lists.
3. Gather external information - Seek answers through surveys or other external groups, such as your HOA boards and additional community leaders.
4. Examine the data - Prioritize feedback from the highest to lowest needs. Compare feedback and your managers’ top three needs and look for similarities.
5. Take action - Implement a plan or strategy for each need.
Communication is a crucial component of teamwork. Good communication leads to transparency in terms of the company’s culture, core values, and mission. It provides both executives and managers the opportunity to share a vision openly. You can achieve solid communication by:
• Actively listening to managers to create mutual understanding.
• Requesting and sharing feedback to practice being transparent.
• Being self-aware to improve from the feedback given to you.
The more you get used to doing this, the easier it’ll become. Soon enough, you’ll be incorporating feedback into weekly meetings without mentioning it’s feedback.
As an executive, you’ll have experience with managers of all levels. Depending on the HOA, some managers may have more responsibilities than others. Taking these scenarios into account will help you connect with your managers and help each role gain a stronger sense of support.
You can do this by:
• Hosting Q&A sessions to discuss areas of opportunity.
• Allowing job shadowing and giving managers a chance to shadow senior roles within the company to increase support, leadership, and growth.
• Offering leadership courses.
Automating daily tasks saves time and effort—and that’s achieved through streamlined processes. This includes anything from sending out real-time updates and offering simplified accounting platforms to using HOA software. Many companies that implement software like TownSq into their daily routine will notice how much easier it is to manage one or several communities.
Using TownSq or other HOA software may also allow you to:
● Streamline multiple operations through a single digital platform.
● Increase productivity, communication, and transparency among groups.
● Provide management companies the function to review individual manager performance.
● Evaluate and identify important metrics regarding the community’s success and performance.
When executives and managers work together as a unified team with open lines of communication, feedback, mutual understanding, and streamlined processes, they can effectively address challenges, maximize opportunities, and achieve shared goals of delivering exceptional property management services. Ultimately by bridging the gap, property management companies can enhance their performance, drive success, and create a positive work culture that benefits everyone involved.
Interested in witnessing TownSq in action? Set your management company up for success by requesting a demo today!